M.M. Reif Ltd. and its affiliated companies represent over forty years of service to its customers, providing the highest standard of excellence in the design, engineering and manufacturing of canvas, fabric and web products for industrial, commercial, and military use. M.M. Reif Ltd. operates out of Boston, Massachusetts in a new company owned 44,000 square foot manufacturing facility. Equipped with the latest in state-of-the-art computer operated manufacturing equipment, we are well positioned to serve you, the customer, with competitively priced products manufactured under strict specifications and codes. Inspectors insure that every item meets or exceeds required specifications and our military quality assurance system complies with Mil-I-45208. Manufacturer of over 10,000 NSN Parts . Extensive computer library of drawings and material listings for MS, AN & NAS specifications All defense documentation and engineering is executed in accordance with DOD-D- 1000, levels I, II and III We are an industry leader in design, engineering, documentation and production of Canvas, Fabric and Web products (Prototypes made on request). Also manufacturers of: Belts, Black Out Curtains, Carrying Straps, Curtain Dividers, Fire Curtains, Floor Covers, Harnesses, Pouches, Salvage Blankets, Slings, Vests, Welding Blankets, Windscreen, Windsocks. Wide range of materials: Canvas, Cotton, Nylons, Polyesters, Neoprenes, Polypropylenes, Vinyl, Laminated & Coated Fabrics, Army Numbered Ducks, Hypalons, Glass Fabrics, EMI Fabrics. Engineering - From your drawing, sketch or idea, we can design and engineer a product to meet your requirements and specifications. We have engineers and CAD/CAM system operators on staff to fill your needs.
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